Is it time to mosey down the road?

Prior to the COIVD-19 pandemic, we saw business owners reticent to selling their business and deciding to stay on longer than they had previously planned to. What is driving the change? It will come as no surprise that the Coronavirus has pushed many of us to look at their lives from the inside out and ask ourselves some big life challenging questions. This ranges in what is really important to us to what we want the future to look like and what legacy do we want to leave. Coronavirus has also changed the rules on employee needs and how employees must be treated legally, morally, and ethically during an outbreak. This has become overwhelming for many business owners. The responsibility of having employees has never been higher nor have the consequences been more dramatic. Example? An employee contracts COVID-19, did it happen in your office or somewhere else? Either way, there is going to be fallout for the business owner. Should employees work remotely, and if they do, wha...