Your business needs a vCIO now more than ever
Before #coivd-19 I always recommended that #businesses engage and utilize the services of a vCIO. For those unfamiliar with what a #vCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer) does, here is a brief and simple bullet list of primary services usually provided by a highly competent vCIO like myself. Analyze your current IT infrastructure. Evaluate your internal IT department and/or your external IT Services provider to make certain that they have the proper training, procedures, and processes to properly serve your business for today and tomorrow. Assessing the various business applications that you are utilizing to make sure that you are getting all that you are paying for and that there are no other options that are less costly and more effective. Assisting with planning for future technology expenses and needs. Confirming that you have the proper cybersecurity defenses for your business and the appropriate security awareness training programs in place. Working with staff to mak...